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Post Baccalaureate Program FAQs

Leveling Program Frequently Asked Questions

An open house is offered each semester if you wish to visit and tour our department. Individual visits are not recommended unless you are visiting from out of state due to the heavy load our faculty have with teaching, research, advising and scheduled meetings. We encourage you to plan to join us at an open house. Dates will be posted on the website.

No, you need to apply to the post baccalaureate leveling program and take undergraduate courses in Communication Sciences and Disorders for one year. You may apply to the graduate program while enrolled in the leveling program.

We accept applications for the fall semester ONLY. However, in exceptional circumstances, students who have taken the fall courses elsewhere may enroll in the spring.

The deadline to apply for the leveling program is April 1.

All application materials are submitted to the Admissions Office, which will forward the folders to the CSD Department when they are complete.

Acceptance into our graduate program is highly competitive. Being in the leveling program will not increase your chances of being accepted but it is likely that your references will be provided by the professors who teach you in these courses. In addition, you will be more familiar with the program, department, professors and the expectations of faculty.

We consider all applications carefully. Applicants should have a 3.0 GPA from their undergraduate degree or their master’s degree if they have a higher-level degree.

Decisions are typically announced late April or early May by email and letter. It is in your best interest to use a personal email account instead of a school account and an address where you can receive correspondence even after you graduate from your current school.

Yes, you are encouraged to take the GRE depending on the graduate program(s) to which you are applying. We suggest you apply to at least three schools.

You may contact the department to arrange an advising appointment with a faculty adviser.

Dr. Carmichael
Director of the Woolfolk School

