Worden School of
Social Service
Housed in the College of Professional Studies, the Worden School of Social Service is home to Our Lady of the Lake University's social work programs. As the first school of social work in Texas, established almost 80 years ago, OLLU has set the standard for social work education and is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Degrees are offered at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels.
Sensitivity to cultural and ethnic differences is integral to the Worden School's mission and commitment to working with at-risk populations, with special emphasis on Hispanic children and families. At the undergraduate level, students can earn a biliterate (English-Spanish) certificate or a certificate in Violence Prevention and Intervention with the BSW. At the MSW level, students acquire skills and knowledge for specialized intervention in direct practice, with special emphasis on Hispanic children and families. Worden School's PhD program has an emphasis on advanced social work practice and focuses on preparing practitioner-scholars who bridge the gap between academic researchers and practitioners.
The Worden School is often recognized for excellence in educating the country's social workers.
Our Mission
In accordance with the Catholic teachings of social justice and the philosophy and purposes of Our Lady of the Lake University, and in adherence to the purposes of social work education articulated by the Council on Social Work Education, the mission of the Worden School of Social Service is:
- To develop competent social workers for specialized intervention in direct practice with Hispanic/Latin@ children and families;
- To prepare social workers for professional practice in culturally diverse settings, especially agencies that serve clients from economically disadvantaged backgrounds; and
- To generate and disseminate knowledge that advances social and economic justice, enhances human well-being, and promotes effective practice with Hispanic/Latin@ children and families.