OLLU launches NO MORE campaign on campus
Feb 06, 2020
OLLU is among the first universities in San Antonio to participate in the “NO MORE”
campaign to end domestic violence and sexual assault. By joining the efforts of the
newly formed Bexar County Commission on Collaborative Strategies to Prevent, Combat
and Respond to Domestic Violence, OLLU is committed to preventing domestic violence
and sexual assault through education and outreach.
NO MORE seeks to break social stigma, normalize the conversation around domestic violence and sexual assault, and increase resources to address these urgent issues. Launched in 2013, the groundbreaking, global initiative is comprised of the largest coalition of nonprofits, corporations, government agencies, media schools and individuals addressing domestic violence and sexual assault.
Cynthia Squiabro, MSW, confidential adviser for OLLU Cares, will manage the program under the university’s Center for Women in Church and Society. She will provide outreach and education opportunities for students, staff and faculty and invite all members of the OLLU community to take the #NoMore pledge.
For more information, contact Squiabro at csquiabro@ollusa.edu or 210-528-6774. Her office is located in Moye Hall, Room 022B.
To learn more about the NO MORE campaign, visit https://www.ollusa.edu/health-safety/ollu-cares/no-more-campaign.html.
To learn more about OLLUCares, visit https://www.ollusa.edu/health-safety/ollu-cares/index.html.