Criminology and Criminal Justice

Get started on your Journey
The Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice provides students with the knowledge and skills needed for a variety of careers in criminal justice and related fields, both private and public.
A Forensic Science minor is also available that introduces students to forensic investigation and analysis to provide useful knowledge and skills. Combined with the criminology and criminal justice degree, students can pursue positions in crime scene investigation, both in law enforcement and with the medical examiner's office.
Degree Plans and Course Descriptions
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Criminology and Criminal Justice Minor
- Forensic Science Minor
Biliterate Certificate Program
Spanish-speaking students can earn a degree with dual-language (English/Spanish) emphasis through the Biliterate Certificate Program. Students take specialized courses taught in Spanish and fulfill a portion of their major requirements by completing a practicum or learning experience in a Spanish-speaking setting. Earning the certificate certifies that a student is proficient in both English and Spanish.
Internship and Service-Learning
The program includes the opportunity for students to work in the community through service-learning experiences and requires each student to work with a community agency or organization through internships to learn more about career options, develop professional skills and have the opportunity for professional growth. Recent internship placements have included:
- District Attorney's Office
- Child Protective Services
- Adult Protective Services
- Felony Drug Court
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- United States Marshals Service (U.S. Marshals)
Student Organizations
Students in the criminology and criminal justice program have the opportunity to join the following student organizations:
Criminal Justice Society
The OLLU Criminal Justice Society is a recognized student organization that brings together individuals interested in learning about the criminal justice field and strives to make others aware of important criminal justice issues that affect society. The organization is very active on campus and the community hosts various events and seminars. Students learn from guest speakers from the field and also have opportunities to attend academic conferences and conduct research presentations.
Sigma Lambda Honor Society
The National Criminal Justice Honor Society recognizes the academic excellence of undergraduate and graduate criminal justice students. The goals of the honor society are to honor and promote academic excellence, community service, educational leadership and unity. Eligibility for membership is based on hours completed in criminal justice courses, class standing as a criminal justice major or minor and grade point average.
Careers in Criminal Justice
Criminology and criminal justice majors leave the classroom with a wealth of knowledge and experience they can apply in a variety of careers. Graduates pursue jobs in institutional and community corrections, federal and municipal law enforcement, loss prevention, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, higher education and many other industries.
Learn From Professionals
Students in the criminology and criminal justice program learn from professors who are seasoned professionals in the areas they teach, including crime scene investigators, law enforcement officers, community corrections professionals, lawyers and corrections officers. Courses in the program focus on criminal justice theory and history, law, experiential learning and skills-based learning
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Take advantage of OLLU’s one-to-one, private education without worrying about a price increase during four years of consecutive undergraduate study.
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